Monday, September 12, 2011

A Late Night & a New Year

Hello! Well, it's the beginning of 2011-2012 school year, and The Wells Project at Baylor has begun another year of raising awareness among college students about the world's water crisis.

Wells Project is an organization active on at least a dozen college campuses around the U.S. All the money it raises goes to Living Water International, a non-profit organization that builds water wells across four continents (North and South America, Africa and Asia).

Our first event of the year was Late Night at the "SLC" (actually the Bobo Spiritual Life Center). TWP ("The Wells Project") members got the chance to talk to a lot of interested (and some merely passing) students about our organization and its mission. 157 students asked for more information about joining TWP and/or participating in 10 Days! Woot!

Kelsey, Matt, Dustin, Lissa and Emily enjoyed the dirt water at Late Night at the Bobo.

Speaking of 10 Days... it is coming up! It will start October 10 and end ten days later (hence "10 Days") on October 19. (Note: Yes, 19-10=9, but count the days on your fingers starting with "10" and I bet "19" will land on your tenth finger. Sorry if you feel patronized, but I had to do this myself.) For these 10 Days, participating students will drink only water and donate the money saved to the Wells Project. 
Think about it:
One tall white mocha frap from the new (and exciting) Starbucks in Moody = $3.95
One Dr Pepper from a vending machine = $1.25
One Route 44 cherry limeade from Sonic (at a frustrating 4:01pm) = $2.48
One 254 from Common Grounds = $3.63
One slender can of stay-awake poison (some people call them energy drinks) = $2.00
Total = $13.31

In one day, it would not be unusual for an average college student like you or me to buy these things. Multiple the total of these drinks by ten, and you get $133.10. If fifty of these hypothetical students decided to drink only free water, they would together save more than $6655. 

And with that, they could save much more than money (and calories). If most of it was donated to Living Water through TWP, the money would be around enough to build a well and save a whole community from the dangers of unclean water. By choosing water, they could save lives. Water can be just as tasty as good ol' DP when you know with each sip you are bettering the world.

If you'd like, watch this video about 10 Days. (Try to spot one of Baylor's own in it.)

The Wells Project will launch 10 Days with a Phil Wickham concert at Common Grounds on October 7, the Friday before 10 Days actually begins. Come hear more about the project and other 10 Days events. (And come hear Phil sing. My favorite song is his "True Love." Find it on Grooveshark. It's lovely.) Other events include a Pancake Palooza and a documentary screening.

Pancakes. Yum.
More information to come about 10 Days events and a TWP interest meeting planned for the upcoming weeks. If you are dying for more info NOW, check out our Facebook page.

Thanks for reading! Wish you a blessed week and peace for the inevitable first round of tests.

The Wells Project Water Works